Molontay, Roland: Machine learning based decision …

Előadás címe: Machine learning based decision support systems in medicine

Helyszín: Online,

Időpont: 2020.06.29., 16:30 – 16:50

Kivonat: In  this talk we present our research proposal for the next period. As a small research group residing at the Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Consulting Group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics,  we aim to develop a machine learning based decision support system for the prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis in the framework of a HU-MATHS-IN mini project. In co-operation with our partner, Translational Medicine Foundation, we aim to form a bridge between clinical and basic research. We will present the main mathematical challenges in the early prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis together with their possible solutions. Namely, we will talk about the curse of dimensionality caused by the high number of biomarkers, the unknown dependence structure that can be revealed using probabilistic graphical models, the unbalanced nature of the classification problem and the need for interpretable machine learning tools in medical applications.