Members of HU-MATHS-IN

Members of the HU-MATHS-IN as of 11th December 2013:


Name Organization
Balogh, János University of Szeged – Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty
Bátkai, András Eötvös Loránd University - Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics; ECMI council member
Csendes, Tibor University of Szeged, Department of Computational Optimization; Hungarian Association of Operations Research
Dénes, Attila University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute
Fridli, Sándor Eötvös Loránd University - Department of Numerical Analysis
Gerencsér, László Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute for Computer Science and Control
Horváth, Róbert Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department of Mathematical Analysis; Budapest University of Technology and Economics -Institute of Mathematics
Horváth, Zoltán Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Széchenyi István University – Research Center of Vehicle Industry
Illés, Tibor Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department of Differential Equations
Jósvai, János Széchenyi István University – Department of Vehicle Manufacturing
Kis, Tamás Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute for Computer Science and Control
Kiss-Tóth, Christian Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Kocsis, A. Tihamér Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Márkus, László Eötvös Loránd University - Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Hungarian Statistical Association
Miklós, István Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Nagy, Marianna Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department of Differential Equations
Németh Adrián Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Pestiné Rácz, Éva Széchenyi István University – Department of Environmental Engineering
Schipp, Ferenc Eötvös Loránd University - Department of Numerical Analysis
Szeidl, László Óbuda University
Szkaliczki, Tibor Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute for Computer Science and Control
Takács, Gábor Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Varga, Rozália Széchenyi István University – Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences